Hygiene Passport Training and Test 27.3.2024


Registration begins
Registration ends
Training begins
Training ends
Further information
Trainer Tiina Hokkanen, tel. 044 7506 253, tiina.hokkanen@ekami.fi
The price includes
Price: 156,95 euroa (includes VAT 25,5 %)
Price includes morning coffee.
Place of training
South-Kymenlaakso Vocational College, Koteko (Kymenlaaksonkatu 29, 48100 Kotka)
Content of the training
The training is intended for those intending to enter the food service industry or already working in the industry, as well as for people who want to update their knowledge or want training for a hygiene passport test.

1. Basics of microbiology and food contamination
2. Food poisoning
3. Hygienic ways of working
4. Personal hygiene
5. Sanitation
6. Self-monitoring
7. Finnish food legislation and authorities

The Hygiene Passport requires extensive expertise. You can choose to study the skills required for the test from the sources below (in Finnish):
Purely edible (theory and exercises) http://www03.edu.fi/oppimateriaalit/purtavaapuhtaasti/
Finnish Food Authority/Hygiene Passport (extensive theory package) https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/elintarvikkeet/hygieniapassi/
Food hygienically (lots of exercises) http://www03.edu.fi/oppimateriaalit/ruokaahygieenisesti/app/
Permission to cook https://www.ruokatieto.fi/ruokakasvatus/lupa-kokata-elintarvikehygienian-perusteet
Hygiene Passport https://www.hygieniapassit.info/

See more information about the Hygiene Expertise Test: https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/henkiloasiakkaat/hygieniapassi/

Language of training: Finnish.

After registration, you will receive a confirmation of registration to the e-mail address you have given.
The invitation to the training is sent to the same address approximately a week before the training.

We have a Paytrail payment service. Once you have entered your registration details, the program will direct you to Paytrail, where you can pay the price of the training in your online bank.

When a company is paying for the training, an invoice will be sent after the training to the billing address you have given.

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