Basic Safety Training (STCW A-VI/1) – personal survival techniques, arranged on reguest


Registration begins
Registration ends
Further information
Team Manager Anssi Avelin, tel. +358 44 7427 659,
The price includes
Price by agreement
Place of training
South-Kymenlaakso Vocational College, Katariina (Lehmustie 4, 48130 Kotka)
Content of the training
Personnel from ships’ crew, other than those in domestic trade, are required to hold a Basic Training certificate of proficiency (STCW VI/1) if they are members of vessels’ minimum safe manning, or they have been assigned jobs related to a vessel’s security or prevention of environmental pollution.

Basic Training consists of four parts:
• Personal survival techniques, as specified in STCW A-VI/1-1
• Fire prevention and fire-fighting, as specified in STCW A-VI/1-2 (Note: This is not included in the training. Please contact Meriturva, Maritime Safety Training Centre)
• Elementary first aid, as specified in STCW A-VI/1-3
• Personal safety and social responsibilities, as specified in STCW A-VI/1-4

The completion of all part of the training is required to obtain an additional certificate of proficiency.

This additional qualification needs to be renewed every five years. When renewing certificates of proficiency, please note that the elementary first aid and personal safety and social responsibilities parts are valid until further notice. Note: If the repeating parts of your course have become obsolete and you have completed basic education in 2012 or later, it is enough just to repeat instead of the basic course. If the basic training has been completed before 2012, all parts must be completed in full.

More information about Maritime certificates of proficiency:

For more information, please contact Team Manager

Language of Training: Finnish.


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