The Thomas Personal Profile Analysis (PPA), arranged on reguest


Registration begins
Registration ends
Further information
Mika Urpalainen, tel. 044 554 4300,
The price includes
Price: 275,00 euroa (includes VAT 25,5 %)
Content of the training
The Thomas system is the world's most widely used occupational psychological personality analysis and method. PPA is not a test but an analysis, providing information on the strengths and development points of a person’s behavioural style. There are no good or bad behavioural styles, just different. The electronically completed test takes only approximately 10 minutes. The feedback is always given personally either by phone or via Teams. The duration of the feedback discussion is ½ - 1 hour. Afterwards, you will receive a written Thomas- feedback.

Companies use Thomas Analysis for staff selection, management, training, and motivation. For the individual the analysis is a useful way to recognise personal strengths and development points.

The system is used in 60 languages and in hundreds of organisations in Finland. The Thomas system is certified by the Psychological Association of England and approved by the Swedish Psychological Association for the reliability of the method. The Thomas analysis has also been validated in Finland.

For more information, please contact Customer Manager

Language of training: Finnish
